Ade­quate ven­ti­la­tion is the key when it comes to ensur­ing a pleas­ant atmos­phere in your home. Even the best ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem is worth­less with­out win­dows that work with it.

Our win­dows are equipped with two seals. This ensures proper seal­ing and sound absorp­tion. Seals are made of a mate­r­ial resis­tant to age­ing, weath­er­ing and con­tact with acrylic paints. In addi­tion, the seal is cut in the top part of the win­dow and replaced with a ven­ti­la­tion brush, which results in gen­tle air cir­cu­la­tion in the hard­ware groove even with the win­dow closed.

elementy wentylacji

Fot. ven­ti­la­tion brush

The seal is not glued on. It can be removed and replaced at any time if the need arises.


Micro­gap­ping also known as microven­ti­la­tion is a means of unseal­ing the win­dow. Microven­ti­la­tion is ensured through the use of spe­cial hard­ware ele­ments installed on the sash and frame. It is enough to sim­ply turn the han­dle by 45° upwards from its hor­i­zon­tal posi­tion and pull the upper edge of the sash towards you. In a win­dow with microven­ti­la­tion a small gap will be cre­ated between the frame and sash through which air will begin to flow from the outside.

Although microven­ti­la­tion is not a replace­ment for proper ven­ti­la­tion (open­ing win­dows com­pletely), it is worth remem­ber­ing that using it makes it pos­si­ble to avoid mois­ture and water vapour accu­mu­la­tion on win­dow panes and walls of inte­ri­ors, espe­cially in build­ings where the ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem is not proper. How­ever, when using microven­ti­la­tion, remem­ber that an unsealed win­dow is not securely locked and may be a tempt­ing tar­get for bur­glars. It is bet­ter to close the win­dows before you leave home – espe­cially when they are eas­ily acces­si­ble from the out­side, for exam­ple, sit­u­ated on the ground floor.

Air inlets

In addi­tion to the ven­ti­la­tion seal and micro­gap­ping, which con­sti­tute stan­dard ele­ments of our win­dows, air inlets can be pur­chased for an addi­tional charge.

Humid­ity sen­si­tive Aereco air inlet

We rec­om­mend the humid­ity sen­si­tive Aereco air inlet, which auto­mat­i­cally adjusts the air flow to the humid­ity level of the room. If air humid­ity falls in the room, the air inlet closes.

The air inlet will open when the water vapour con­tent rises in the air, i.e. the level of humid­ity increases. Air inlets are installed in the top part of the win­dow. Even with tightly closed win­dows, air inlets let in fresh air con­tin­u­ously, in an amount that is com­pli­ant with cur­rent regulations.

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Fot. Humid­ity sen­si­tive air inlet

How­ever, air inlets, aside from their many ben­e­fits, also have some draw­backs. Unfor­tu­nately, it is not pos­si­ble to for­get about the not overly pleas­ing visual effect both inside the room and from the out­side. Because of the lim­ited colour palette, it is impos­si­ble to choose an inlet to match the woodwork.