Wood is the old­est and most widely used raw mate­r­ial for man­u­fac­ture of win­dows. This is not just because the prod­uct is com­pletely nat­ural, envi­ron­men­tally friendly and pleas­ant to the touch, but above all else it is char­ac­terised by excel­lent sound and ther­mal insu­la­tion, as well as resis­tance to exter­nal factors.

The high qual­ity of wood win­dows is a result of prop­erly selected and dried wood, as well as its density.


There are many species of wood that can be used in the man­u­fac­ture of wood win­dows. One may tra­di­tion­ally assume that pine wood is the most pop­u­lar in Poland because of its wide availability.

There are also other species, such as Oak, Fir, Larch and Spruce. Although used for win­dows much less fre­quently, be it because of the price or lim­ited avail­abil­ity, they are still of inter­est to our clients. Other wood species used in the man­u­fac­ture of wood win­dows are exotic species, such as Mer­anti, Cedr, Teak, Iroko, Doussie, Mer­bau, Aca­jou, Durian, Muku­lungu, not to men­tion true Mahogany.

We have in offer prod­ucts made of pine, larch, oak, mer­anti and Majau wood. Of course this list is not closed and if a cus­tomer wishes to have win­dows made from another species, we can accom­mo­date such a request.


Spruce wood is light, soft, has medium strength para­me­ters and is low on resin. It has worse para­me­ters than pine, but is cheaper. The wood taken from trees aged 80 – 120 years offers the best prop­er­ties. It is char­ac­terised by a den­sity of about 340 – 470 kg/​m3. Two types of spruce are dis­tin­guished – low­land and moun­tain. Win­dows should be man­u­fac­tured only from the moun­tain vari­ety, as the low­land one offers lit­tle resis­tance to mois­ture and bio­log­i­cal cor­ro­sion. Due to the aver­age para­me­ters of spruce wood it is usu­ally coated with body colour. Avail­able at no extra charge in all ver­sions of win­dows – 68 mm, 78 mm, 90 mm.



Due to its price and avail­abil­ity this is the most com­mon conif­er­ous species used in the man­u­fac­ture of win­dows and doors. Con­sid­ered one of the longest liv­ing plant species on Earth. The wood taken from trees aged 80 – 120 years offers the best prop­er­ties. It is char­ac­terised by a den­sity of approx­i­mately 450 – 550 kg/​m3, which ensures good prop­er­ties in terms of both com­pres­sive and ten­sile strength.

Pine wood is rel­a­tively long last­ing and durable, yet flex­i­ble and easy to process and offers per­fect ther­mal insu­la­tion. A high resin con­tent makes it resis­tant to dam­age result­ing from mois­ture, but at extremely high tem­per­a­tures it can pass through the paint coat­ing. The colour of the wood is bright and it can be effec­tively cov­ered with opaque and stain paints. Avail­able at no extra charge in all ver­sions of win­dows – 68 mm, 78 mm, 90 mm.



This is the best and most durable wood from among conif­er­ous species, with a very nice and reg­u­lar grain. The wood taken from trees aged 100 – 120 years offers the best prop­er­ties. It is ideal for man­u­fac­tur­ing win­dows and doors. Larch wood is char­ac­terised by its very high resis­tance to humid­ity – it does not suf­fer from bio­log­i­cal cor­ro­sion and does not deform under its influence.

The hard­ness of larch wood increases over time – so called pet­ri­fi­ca­tion. Its den­sity is in excess of 550 kg/m3. A high resin con­tent means that at extremely high tem­per­a­tures it can pass through the paint coat­ing. How­ever, the larch is a rel­a­tively rare species and there­fore quite expensive.



It is the best build­ing mate­r­ial from among native broad-​leaved trees, bet­ter than pine and even larch. Oak wood is counted among fine tree species which is a sym­bol of dig­nity, strength and excep­tional durability.

Only heart­wood of a tree trunk should be used for the man­u­fac­ture of win­dows, as the sap­wood part is eas­ily destroyed by insects. The wood taken from trees aged approx­i­mately 180 years offers the best prop­er­ties. It is a hard wood species, heavy, resis­tant to water and abra­sion. Its den­sity in the range 650 – 750 kg/​m3 gives it the best strength prop­er­ties of all wood species native to Poland.

The inter­est­ing grain and colour of oak win­dows have for cen­turies enjoyed unfal­ter­ing renown around the world. Its excel­lent per­for­mance and attrac­tive appear­ance make it very expensive.



Exotic wood from broad-​leaved trees from Indone­sia, Malaysia and the Philip­pines. The most com­monly used by man­u­fac­tur­ers from among the exotic species. It comes in sev­eral vari­eties, of which the white and red vari­eties are the most pop­u­lar. The den­sity of mer­anti is strongly depen­dant on the species and reaches val­ues rang­ing from 300 kg/​m3 to 800 kg/​m3. It is worth­while to find out what is the den­sity of the wood, as it affects its parameters.

Our com­pany offers species with a den­sity greater than 450 kg/​m3. In gen­eral, this type of wood offers high resis­tance to mois­ture and, there­fore, low prob­a­bil­ity of crack­ing. It is durable and robust. It demon­strates very good ther­mal and acoustic insu­la­tion char­ac­ter­is­tics. It has a highly char­ac­ter­is­tic wood pat­tern, which looks very impres­sive when coated with trans­par­ent paint. An analy­sis of basic phys­i­cal and mechan­i­cal para­me­ters indi­cates that mer­anti wood shows greater resis­tance to weather phe­nom­ena than pine. Inter­est­ingly oak is not far behind.

Mer­anti offers bet­ter tech­ni­cal para­me­ters than pine in such areas as shrink­age and swelling by 39%, sta­tic bend­ing resis­tance by 41% and the hard­ness by nearly 40%. The resis­tance of exotic wood species to shrink­age and swelling stems from their anatomy. These are heart­wood species with a wood that is char­ac­terised by low water per­me­abil­ity. Its red-​brown colour lends the prod­uct a cer­tain ele­gance and a warm ambi­ence to the interior.

Win­dows from mer­anti wood will be appre­ci­ated by all those look­ing for exotic beauty com­bined with high qual­ity and dura­bil­ity of the prod­ucts. This wood is avail­able at no extra charge in all ver­sions of win­dows – 68 mm, 78 mm, 90 mm.



The wood for the con­nois­seur. The jewel in our man­u­fac­tur­ing crown since 2008. A hard broad-​leaved tree wood com­ing mainly from the island of Bor­neo. Its min­i­mum den­sity varies between 580 kg/​m3 and 850 kg/​m3. It is used mainly for the man­u­fac­ture of select win­dows and doors in fur­ni­ture mak­ing, boat build­ing, construction.

It is a wood that offers very good resis­tance to water and other atmos­pheric fac­tors, highly val­ued because of the beau­ti­ful wood grain and its phys­i­cal prop­er­ties. You can find more infor­ma­tion in the arti­cle “Giants from Asia”. This wood is avail­able at no extra charge in all ver­sions of win­dows – 68 mm, 78 mm, 90 mm.