We offer as stan­dard the SECUS­TIC win­dow han­dle from HOPPE in four dif­fer­ent colours.

SECUS­TIC han­dles are char­ac­terised by an addi­tional, dis­tinc­tive and clearly audi­ble sound when the han­dle is turned. This sound is gen­er­ated by a spe­cial latch mech­a­nism located in the han­dle mechanism.


The mech­a­nism of block­ing latches pre­vents move­ments of the han­dle to an open posi­tion by manip­u­lat­ing it from the out­side in the hard­ware or when an attempt is made to turn the han­dle by using a wire inserted through a hole drilled just above the handle.

This han­dle pro­vides basic pro­tec­tion against burglary.

klamka secustic


klamka zlotaklamka biala
klamka grafitklamka srebrna