Win­dow hard­ware from the lead­ing Ger­man com­pany G-​U

The tilt & turn sys­tem of open­ing is the most com­mon way for open­ing win­dows in Cen­tral and West­ern Europe. It is also very often used in many other coun­tries. The tilt & turn open­ing sys­tem addi­tion­ally equipped with microven­ti­la­tion makes it pos­si­ble to open and close win­dow sashes effort­lessly using just one han­dle. All these fea­tures are stan­dard for wood windows.

Addi­tion­ally, the basic ver­sion of the win­dow is equipped with an incor­rect han­dle posi­tion block with sash lifter and a cen­tral bolt which is mounted in dou­ble sash win­dows. The cen­tral slid­ing bolt lock hard­ware enables proper pas­sive sash adher­ence to the frame, com­fort of use and ease of opening.

Hinge cov­ers can be cho­sen from among three colours: white, sil­ver and old gold.

Already in its basic ver­sion the sys­tem offers a high level of anti-​burglary secu­rity, such as stain­less steel mush­room pins on bolts. It ensures easy oper­a­tion and allows trouble-​free inte­gra­tion with optional elec­tronic and mechan­i­cal com­po­nents, e.g. alarm, ventilation.

Guar­an­tee of multi-​point adher­ence of the sash to the frame. Opti­mum cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion thanks to the fer­GUard* coat­ing on the outer sur­face. The hard­ware is used for var­i­ous win­dows shapes and sizes.


Fot. Blokada błęd­nego położe­nia klamki

centralna zasuwnica

Fot. Cen­tralna zasuwnica

kolory oslonek na zawiasy

Fot. Osłonki na zaw­iasy w trzech kolorach do wyboru: białym, sre­brnym i w starym złocie