Sash win­dows

Sash win­dows, oth­er­wise known as guil­lo­tine win­dows, are an extremely pop­u­lar solu­tion in the UK and Irish mar­kets, as well as in some other Anglo-​Saxon coun­tries such as Canada. Although the name of these win­dows may sound strange, most peo­ple prob­a­bly asso­ciate them with Amer­i­can films. Win­dows of this type are dis­tin­guished pri­mar­ily by their method of open­ing, which allows both the upper and lower sashes to slide inde­pen­dently. Such char­ac­ter­is­tic win­dows are impos­si­ble to miss.

The open­ing mech­a­nism of sash win­dows is based on rails, with which the lower part of the win­dow is moved. Depend­ing on the model, it is pos­si­ble to open one or both sashes. An inter­est­ing option is also the so-​called incom­plete open­ing, pos­si­ble in the case of win­dows with asym­met­ri­cal sash surfaces.

Sash win­dows are fit­ted with weight bal­lasts or springs mounted in the win­dow frame. This unique method of open­ing has many advan­tages, which is why sash win­dows are becom­ing increas­ingly pop­u­lar. In Pol­ish con­di­tions, sash win­dows are mainly used in tra­di­tional and his­toric build­ings. Cus­tomers who opt for sash win­dows also like to choose non-​standard windows.

What are the advan­tages of sash windows?

The advan­tage of sash win­dows is that they increase the space in the room, which cre­ates design pos­si­bil­i­ties that are not avail­able if you choose win­dows that open in a tra­di­tional way. By lift­ing the sashes upwards, there is no need to move objects located on the win­dow sill. This solu­tion is ideal for kitchens, where free space at the win­dows is often used. In addi­tion, by open­ing only the top win­dow, it can be used as a ventilator.

We pro­duce sash win­dows pri­mar­ily for the for­eign mar­ket, tak­ing into account indi­vid­ual expec­ta­tions and demands of cus­tomers from var­i­ous coun­tries. You are wel­come to con­tact us to deter­mine the details of your order – the price of each order is deter­mined indi­vid­u­ally based on the num­ber of win­dows and the type of wood used.

Case­ment windows

Case­ment win­dows are out­ward open­ing win­dows – equally pop­u­lar on the British and Irish mar­kets, as well as in some other Anglo-​Saxon coun­tries, for exam­ple Canada. Win­dows of this type are dis­tin­guished pri­mar­ily by their open­ing method, which, while main­tain­ing tight­ness, involves open­ing or push­ing the sashes out­wards. This is an excel­lent solu­tion for small rooms.

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