Dec­o­ra­tive panes

Stained glass

Cus­tomers very often choose, par­tic­u­larly for inte­rior and exte­rior doors, dec­o­ra­tive panes in the form of stained glass made of pieces of coloured glass set in leaden frames embed­ded between iron bars. The frames are a con­tour of a draw­ing, while the line draw­ing on glass or paint­ing it with trans­par­ent paint empha­sises dis­tinc­tive ele­ments (head, eyes, hands, gar­ments fold­ing, shad­ing, etc.)

For more infor­ma­tion on stained glass used in Wik­tor­czyk wood prod­ucts, please visit http://​www​.witraz​.pl/


Orna­men­tal glass is a half translu­cent glass obtained in the process of rolling liq­uid glass between two cylin­ders. A pat­tern is engraved on one of the cylin­ders and in the man­u­fac­tur­ing process it is embossed on the glass. Orna­men­tal glass is pro­duced as clear, coloured or rein­forced glass.

Orna­men­tal glass is ideal for inte­rior doors, exte­rior doors and win­dows man­u­fac­tured by ABA WIK­TOR­CZYK. It pro­vides a bit of dis­cre­tion and inti­macy thanks to its inter­est­ing texture.

Visit: gallery of ornaments

Reflec­tive glass

Reflec­tive glass is a clear glass or glass tinted brown, grey, green or blue. It is cov­ered with a layer of hard metal oxides in order to obtain the proper reflec­tive prop­er­ties, con­trol sun­light pen­e­tra­tion into rooms and limit solar energy trans­mit­tance to a room.

Such glass may be used as sin­gle or insu­lated, depend­ing on the type of coat­ing. This type of glass is mainly used for con­ser­va­to­ries or large glaz­ing projects.

Anti-​burglary glass

CLIMAPLUS STADIP PRO­TECT is an insu­lated pane that pro­vides var­ied anti-​burglary pro­tec­tion classes depend­ing on the struc­ture. PRO­TECT STADIP CLIMAPLUS glass panes simul­ta­ne­ously reduce the risk of injury from shat­tered glass in case of it being bro­ken and the risk of falling – if a piece of glass is bro­ken, the pieces are held by a PVB film and the hole remains closed or of min­i­mal size.

Due to the fact that the pane that is respon­si­ble for this safety fea­ture is thicker than the other panes in the set and includes a PVB film that has cer­tain block­ing prop­er­ties, CLIMAPLUS STADIP PRO­TECT has bet­ter noise insu­la­tion parameters.

Prod­ucts in the PRO­TECT range fil­ter most UV rays. They pro­vide max­i­mum pro­tec­tion of all items equip­ment sub­ject to fad­ing due to expo­sure to sun­light (e.g. shop win­dows, drapes, carpets).

Clas­si­fi­ca­tion and require­ments for glass panes with increased resis­tance and func­tional para­me­ters, with exam­ples of use.

Sound absorp­tion

In order to increase the com­fort level of using flats and offices, espe­cially in the vicin­ity of sources of sig­nif­i­cant noise, such as streets, indus­trial sites, air­ports, etc. and in the inte­ri­ors of build­ings in order to block noise leak­age between rooms, glass man­u­fac­tur­ers have intro­duced another type of glass whose task is to reduce the inten­sity of sound.

Basic low-​emission insu­lated glass Float 4mm/​16mm + argon/​float4 offers sound absorp­tion at a level of 32 dB, but this is often insuf­fi­cient and then insu­lated glass with increased sound absorp­tion is used. Such glass is usu­ally lam­i­nated safety or anti-​burglary glass with a spe­cial film that also absorbs sound and reduces its intensity.

The thick­ness of mono­lithic glass panes used, the space between the panes and the type of gas used to fill this space are all fac­tors in the sound absorp­tion of insu­lated win­dows. Ask a ques­tion to obtain more information.

Drzwi wewnętrzne - szkło do wyboru

Resis­tance class of secu­rity panes

Resis­tance class Test­ing method Drop height [cm] Num­ber of hit
P1A Hit­ting with a steel ball 150 3 in a triangle
P2A Hit­ting with a steel ball 300 3 in a triangle
P3A Hit­ting with a steel ball 600 3 in a triangle
P4A Hit­ting with a steel ball 900 3 in a triangle
P5A Hit­ting with a steel ball 900 3×3 in a triangle
P6B Hit­ting with a ham­mer and axe - 3050
P7B Hit­ting with a ham­mer and axe - 5170
P8B Hit­ting with a ham­mer and axe - more than 70

Use of secu­rity glazing

Resis­tance class Func­tional parameters Exam­ples of use
P1A Pro­tect against cuts from bro­ken glass, make it dif­fi­cult to break the pane when the win­dow or door sud­denly close Houses, schools, offices, man­u­fac­tur­ing plants, inte­rior doors, win­dows on the ground floor and higher
P2A Pro­tect against cuts. Can pro­vide tem­po­rary pro­tec­tion against bur­glary with­out preparation Kiosks, houses, win­dows of ground floor apart­ments, hotel and office win­dows, com­mer­cial build­ings with low pro­tected value, sports halls
Panes mak­ing bur­glary harder, may act as a sub­sti­tute for a wire mesh with 150 mm spac­ing made of steel wire with a diam­e­ter of 10 mm Win­dows of hotel and office lounges, com­mer­cial build­ings with a high pro­tected value, vil­las, pharmacies
Panes offer­ing increased resis­tance to bur­glary, can replace a wire mesh made of steel rods with a diam­e­ter of 12 mm Muse­ums, antique shops, art gal­leries, bank floors, for­eign cur­rency exchange offices, shops with high pro­tected value, lux­ury villas
Panes offer­ing high resis­tance to bur­glary, can replace a wire mesh made of steel rods with a diam­e­ter of 16 mm Jew­ellery shops and work­shops, spe­cial bank facil­i­ties, shop fronts of com­mer­cial build­ings with high pro­tected value