Frame-​panel doors

  • inte­rior wood door with a rebate and with an adjustable frame, which makes it pos­si­ble to adjust the door frame size to the wall thick­ness, elim­i­nat­ing at the same time any imper­fec­tions in the door jamb;
  • made of mahogany wood (mer­anti, pine, oak), solid, glued by lay­ers dec­o­rated with water-​soluble paints from SIKKENS, the outer sur­face addi­tion­ally rein­forced with polyurethane var­nish, resis­tant to scratching;
  • KFV or NEMEF lock;
  • HOPPE Istam­buł door handles;
  • hinges from SIM­MON­SWERK in sil­ver or brown;
  • noise damp­en­ing seal from PRIMO;
  • door trim design to be selected: straight, half-​rounded or with a dec­o­ra­tive strip.


Pan­eled doors

  • inte­rior wood door with a rebate and with an adjustable frame, which makes it pos­si­ble to adjust the door frame size to the wall thick­ness, elim­i­nat­ing at the same time any imper­fec­tions in the door jamb;
  • door trim and jambs made of solid tim­ber, leaves made of hollow-​tube pan­els lam­i­nated with a nat­ural lam­i­nate, as per our Customer’s wishes;
  • KFV or NEMEF locks;
  • HOPPE Istam­buł door handles;
  • hinges from SIM­MON­SWERK in sil­ver or brown;
  • noise damp­en­ing seal from PRIMO;
  • door trim design to be selected: straight, half-​rounded or with a dec­o­ra­tive strip.
