To achieve long last­ing top qual­ity of new win­dows they must be cleaned and main­tained on a reg­u­lar basis with use of the main­te­nance kit. It is the way that pro­longs peri­ods between ren­o­va­tions of win­dows. The kit is made up of a spe­cial clean­ing agent and the care milk.

Pielęgnacja drewna

Pour a por­tion of the clean­ing agent onto a cloth and wipe all dirt and dust.

Pielęgnacja drewna

Then apply the care milk with quick moves of the cloth. Do never attempt to rub or pol­ish the treated surface.

Pielęgnacja drewna

Now the wooden win­dows shine as new ones and are resis­tant to weather factors.

Micro cracks, scratches and small sur­face defects can eas­ily appear, e.g. due to impact of hail par­ti­cles. Such small defects enable pen­e­tra­tion of water, which may lead to for­ma­tion of blue stains. To pre­vent from such an effect one has to fill the cracks or scratches with the care milk – an envi­ron­ment friendly and fast-​curing product.

After its appli­ca­tion water runs on the wooden sur­face and is inca­pable to pen­e­trate the wood body. The spe­cial clean­ing agent removes dirt and dust, pen­e­trates deeply into pores of tim­ber, dries out with no rem­nants and is water-​soluble. Regard­less of whether the win­dows are fin­ished with var­nish or stain paint, the main­te­nance kit refreshes colours of wood and gives a new shine. If applied on reg­u­lar basis it is con­ducive to pro­long peri­ods between ren­o­va­tion oper­a­tions of doors or win­dows and there­fore extends their lifetime.

Pielęgnacja drewna

With­out appli­ca­tion of the care milk. Water pen­e­trates the wood via micro cracks and leads to blue stains.

Pielęgnacja drewna

Owing to appli­ca­tion of the care milk the micro cracks are closed. Water is no longer capa­ble to pen­e­trate the wood.

Pielęgnacja drewna

Main­te­nance kit. Spe­cial clean­ing agent and care milk.