Prawidłowy montaż okien w znaczącym stopniu wpływa na ich wydajność oraz żywotność.
Pragniemy by byli Państwo przez długie lata zadowoleni z okien Wiktorczyk, dlatego prosimy o przestrzeganie poniższych wskazówek.
How to install windows?
Tips for investors
Moisture from masonry jobs must be evaporated, otherwise it presents hazard to varnished surfaces.
- When masonry jobs are carried out during the winter period the interiors must be both heated and ventilated.
- Provide sufficient ventilation during plastering or painting jobs.
- Immediately start ventilation when steam condensate appears on inner surfaces of windows.
- The ventilation process must be carried out periodically do never leave the windows permanently open.
Tips for dwellers and householders
Components of woodwork can be cleaned with use of only neutral cleaning agents or the special cleaning agent from Sikkens.
Aggressive agents, such as solvents or abrasive scouring agents, may damage surfaces of the treated components and therefore application thereof should be avoided.
Zobacz jak zadbać o okna i drzwi
Tips for window manufacturers
- Prior to installation all the wooden surfaces must be protected with adhesive tape to prevent wood from dirt and mortar
- For protection use exclusively such adhesive tapes that are tolerant to water soluble acrylic lacquers.
TESA 4438 or TESA 4838 tapes never damage the varnished surfaces when the tape is removed. Please always consider that properties of the tape may be subject to alterations due to the reasons attributable to their manufacturers. TESA tapes should be removed no later than in two weeks after application.